Yay for Cal! He said his first words! Just like a hearing kid who says "Mama" for the first time, a deaf child will sign it. I know, I know, lots of kids sign at nine months, but for some reason it is really exciting to see your child sign when it is his
only form of communication. Cal's first sign was "dada." Can you believe that! After all the work I have done with him to sign Mommy, his first word was daddy! Londyn did the same thing. What is that all about? The next signs to follow daddy were mommy, more, and ball. Cal also understands the sign for light and airplane. I figure that is the only benefit of living in the direct path to the airport. We get a gazillion planes flying over our house every day, so Cal has had plenty of opportunities to learn that sign!
Here is a video to demonstrate his skills. Of course Steve put him through torture in order to capture it on film, but what do ya do?