RollerCoasters & Clichés

There are good moments and bad moments; moments that literally break my heart, and moments that consume me with so much happiness, I cannot even hope to put it into words. This truth lies with every parent, perhaps slightly magnified when your child cannot hear.

Driving in the car, Cal crying in his car seat, and his 2 1/2 year old sister is singing him Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, because she knows when she is upset, singing helps calm her. Cal continues to cry, because he cannot hear his big sister singing her little heart out. And though she talks and sings to him all the time, Cal has never heard his big sisters voice...heartbreaking.

Cal has the cutest little voice. He coos, he talks, he squeals...and the older he gets, the less he uses it. The doctors warned us of this. At 4 or 5 months old, because Cal cannot hear his own voice, he will not use it. So as we watch our little boy become more and more silent, he does this...complete happiness.

Roller coaster, ups and downs, highs and lows (plug cliché in here). So goes the journey that is parenting.