Cal got his Hearing Aids!

So the little guy got his hearing aids! The hearing aids should not do anything for Cal, but the FDA requires that children wear hearing aids for 6 months before they are considered for cochlear implant surgery. So if it comes to that, we want to be ready. For the first time since this process began, it feels like we are moving forward. So even though the hearing aids won't allow Cal to hear, we are still really excited. (Not to mention, the little dude looks like a stud with his new skull candy.)


Ashley said...

i am so glad you started a blog just for Cal, I love hearing about how is he's doing and what's going on. Thanks for keeping us all updated and for your total honesty about it all--I love that.

Missy said...

Thanks for the updates Steve, this blog is a great idea. I can't wait to see Cal and your sweet little family at Christmas.

Lindsay said...

He is a such a little stud. I love the chubby cheeks.

elizabeth said...

Love the cool zebra print!