Dealing with a Child's Hearing Loss

I was reading an article in the AG Bell's winter newsletter, and I wanted to share the closing paragraph with you. I think this is such great advice for any parent who learns that their child is deaf. I am just going to quote it. The author of the article is Heather Frost.

"I know hearing loss is tough, especially as a parent of a toddler who is deaf. Try not to grieve too long about what has happened. You as a parent could not have prevented it from happening. Be excited to take on the challenge to be your child's best advocate!"

I think this is probably the best advice I have heard. Good luck to all of you parents who are just learning about your child's hearing loss. There are several people out there for you to talk to and get advice from. Take every opportunity to learn about ways of helping your child succeed.


PolyglotMom said...

Thanks for that! And, it's funny, because I know Heather Frost! Have you seen her blog? It's she's very encouraging and upbeat! There's a great little video on her blog right now too! I will have to check out the newsletter more closely...

leah said...

That's a great quote- from a great person! Thanks for sharing it!

VBnBama said...

I've discovered you blog and love it. I'm a Luca and Noah (Leah) fan also. Are you on DV? ?