Cochlear Impant

When we talk about the possibility of a cochlear implant for Cal, I do a really bad job of explaining how it all works. I found this little tutorial on youtube that does a much better job of explaining how the implant works than I do. This may a little soon since we have no idea if Cal can get this surgery or not, but hopefully it helps clarify a bit.


Alex said...

Okay so you probably have no idea who I am but I saw the post for Cochlear Implants on the Crane's blog list I went to school with Brittney. Anyway I have a son who is 10 months old and he has Severe to Profound hearing loss but more on the profound side. It has been quite a journey for us because we did not expect something like this for our first child. We have considered cochlear implants for our son but he does really well with his hearing aids so he may not be a candidate for them. Thanks for sharing your journey about your son, it is comforting to know that I am not the only one out there going through the same thing you are. I was always worried that my little boy wouldn't be able to communicate with me very well, but he already does 6 signs like mom, dad, milk, and he is only 10 months. He babbles in sign and it is so amazing. I love him and wouldn't change anything about him. Thanks again for your posts!